A downloadable game

In the "Game of Life", you are invited to perform the most difficult challenges yet: to live your life to the fullest. You will encounter various events, some will be blissful and some will be a little bit tragic. But in the end, you may look back and realise what a beautiful life you have life.

The "Game of Life" is a board game that simulate a person journey from "Teenager" to "Adulthood" and finally to "Senior". At each  stage, they will see various event options and must decide what to take. The final goal of the game is to earn happy points, and whoever is the "happinest" win the game.

Updated 4 days ago
Published 12 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
TagsBoard Game, Deck Building, Dreams, Life Simulation, Tabletop


Rulebook 1.6 MB
Event cards 2.2 MB
Special events 1.6 MB
Coins, wish token and happy point token 735 kB

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